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My style of coaching address's the way observe experience. As human beings we make distinctions that establish the meaning that we make in three different domains of life.  These are the domains of  Facts, Possibilities, and Risks. Our understanding of our personal circumstances in life is always about these three domains. In particular, it is about how we make assessments, that is, what we take for being real, either with or without evidence. Much of the work is breaking this down by looking to determine if what we say is actually true or merely just believed. To accomplish this we use the skill set of ontological coaching to bring about the liberation of our self-love and self-respect from the many false assessments and assertions that define our experience. 

However, we extend this beyond just words, because we also observe our sensations, feelings and moods. Together with what we say in language, this coherence of body, emotion, and thoughts is the coherence of our unique individual intelligence.  In coaching, we bring these three aspects of our embodiment together and observe them in action as we assess though conversation what happens when we either accept or deny the truth the domains of Facts, Possibilities, and Risks. It is in conversations about these domains of living where liberation becomes possible for the client. 

Being and doing are the expression of what we experience in our body as sensing, feeling, and thinking as we take the actions that make up daily life. Our performance is a direct result of being awake and present while doing the actions that we do in daily life. This is not an abstract philosophy. We observe what happens in life using these capacities, and also can see ourselves in the process of actually seeing it. It is the new observer, and new embodiment, that create dramatic changes in performance and the experience of life. I

Please contact me to discuss single session and multiple session pricing

Body Mind De-Armoring

Body Mind De-armoring is the fusion of coaching and Shiatsu in a unified process. It releases chronic body armor that blocks free-flowing life-force energy that becomes expressed in body, emotions, and thinking. Like the ancient ideas of Yin and Yang, this life force energy contracts and expands through out our life in the body. However, from childhood to adulthood, a protective armor can take root in the body as our Body-Mind Unity seeks to protect and defend against trauma or perceived threats to its well being. Its original purpose was as a defense, but the long- lasting result is a persisting blockage in the flow of life-force energy, a lack of contact with others, chronic pain and a lack of mobility, or deadened emotions and fixed or rigid thinking. 


We experience this as the as physical pain, dullness, sexual inhibitions, or habitual moods of living and dissatisfactions that are the source of our complaints. So, this blocked life-force energy causes a variety of disturbances that we suffer with instead of a natural sense of well-being.

De-armoring works by releasing the contracted energy or by strengthening weak energy. The result is that bio-psychic energy once again flows freely, as life-force is rebalanced in us. This may involve a profound and sudden cathartic release, or gentle unwinding of bodily constriction. The freedom to be, can be experienced as the gentle radiation of pleasure warmly felt in the body and a sense of wellbeing. That pleasure itself is our birthright, and it can be recovered when persistent and habitual armor is released

Coaching conversations can liberate and de-armor our perceptions, by bringing self-love through awareness to areas of persistent suffering, where love has been denied or seems lost.  But as we life in a human body, the critical path to de-armoring is hands-on bodywork, and other somatic practices aimed at breaking open and releasing body armor. This involves inner work with your own attention and breathing while receiving finger pressure on pressure points along energy meridians in body structures that may feel sensitive or painful to being touched. These are often in the torso, the belly, groin, arms, and legs, but can be anywhere.

During the session, we maintain strong energetic contact as we work at the boundary between tolerable and intolerable sensations experienced with conscious attention and breath. After the session, we have sufficient time to talk to debrief and integrate your experience.

The movement of energy also can cause a movement in feelings. In the days after a session, you may find yourself feeling things more vividly. Habitual feelings of tenderness, anger, fear, cravings, and even sadness or elation may arise from the processing of the session. This passes with time and is completely normal, however, I am always available for conversations or coaching as needed following a session. 

Please contact me to discuss the single session and multiple session pricing

Individual Shiatsu or full-body De-Armoring sessions are in the USA at my Bryn Mawr location. Coaching is offered in person, or over the internet anywhere in the world on ZOOM in English. Private customized intensive retreats are also available at your location anywhere in the world. Please contact me for a free consultation on Zoom.

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