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The Possibility of Possibility Revisited

What's possible is concealed from us, but it actually exists in time. What occurs is the revealed possibility as it is being manifested. What manifests seems to exist in time only once we see it, but in reality has always existed, and always will exist.

How can this be? We can only see what occurs in a moment of "seeing." It is in that moment in which our experience of actually living occurs. Our life is an endless flow of moments, that seems to us like the sequence of time. Our point of view causes us to see it this way. However, I wonder if the phenomena of time actually is that way in fact?

It cannot be! Possibility is by definition a 'domain set' of a limitless nature. All possible occurrences, their real causes, and their consequential effects exist within a domain of possibility. This domain contains even those possibilities that never actually occurred, but that simply could have occurred. Without this domain of possibility, all reality would only be destiny. There could be no freedom, nor the ability for the force of will to affect an outcome. That includes not only human will but also what we think of as the divine will. The world in effect would be like a machine, and not the living being that it actually is.

The universe we exist within has dimensional aspects. We know about length, width, and height, which are the 3 dimensions of space. They derive from a point in space and are created through movement. A point moving in space is a line. A line moving in space is a plane. A plane moving in space is a solid object. The evident movement of a solid object occurs in time. This is all geometry, and also it is the basis of all the dimensions.

Time also has dimensional aspects as well, and this is made evident by movement. We experience passing time. It is the familiar fourth dimension that we know as the movement between past, present, and future states. One might as, when that movement stops, does time stop as well? Clearly, it does not. Past, present, and future actually always exist and it is this existence that we call eternity. So at this particular moment, the future exists, but only as a possibility in the domain set of possibilities. The past also exists, but only as a tracing of what has already manifested in eternity. So the evident movement of time is actually an illusion. It seems to move to us. In fact, it is all simultaneous. That is, simultaneous states are not in motion, because they occur within eternity itself. The movement that occurs only that of the observer observing. It is a function of consciousness, and consciousness is outside of time.

The fifth dimension is the simultaneous aspect of time, which includes the eternal as the past. present, and future existing simultaneously. It's also a second, and higher dimension of time. Just as passing time is observed and thus interpreted as evidence of eternal and simultaneous time in this fifth dimension, a sixth dimension also exists as a 'domain set' of possibility. This Sixth Dimension is a domain set containing all possible causes, all possible effects, and all possible manifestations. It is also a third dimension of time which includes all possibilities and excludes none.

So, the three dimensions of time and three dimensions of space are also interpenetrating, and mutually dependent. The lower dimension of space cannot exist without the higher dimension of time also existing and likewise, the higher dimension of time, cannot exist without the lower dimension also existing. And there are higher dimensions than this as well.

But in terms of time and space, in actuality, only possibility or history exists with the universe so far as our minds can distinguish.

© Copyright 2020 Robert Fertman, All Rights Reserved

Revised from the 2006 version

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