There are many options available today for people who want to receive therapeutic touch. Which modality to use depends entirely on preferences, and knowing what the differences are between them. In the western world, Swedish Massage has become the model for most therapeutic and relaxation Massages. Characterized by long sensitive strokes across the skin and the surface musculature, Swedish Massage is what most people think of as the massage they would seek in a spa or from a masseuse or masseur. Also, some massage techniques offer deep tissue work that penetrates more deeply with pressure within the muscles’ deeper fibers. Both techniques as well as many others are usually applied with oils or creams to the skin that facilitates the touch with reduced friction. This is commonly done with draping for an unclothed client to ensure privacy and protection where hands-on work is provided safely and securely.
In contrast, Asian forms of Treatment such as Shiatsu, Thai Massage, or Acupressure make use of contact with the body along energy meridians that contain the localized points used in Modern Acupuncture. These forms of hands-on treatment work on energy meridians of the body that share a common origin in the ancient medical writings in China, and in healing arts practiced throughout Asia, predating western Medical Science by thousands of years.
The work of Shiatsu involves finger and palm pressure applied to the body through clothing on these channels of energy which course throughout the body. The Primary objective is to move energy or Qi which may be stuck or stagnant to restore the free flow of the body’s life force to restore the natural equilibrium. For this reason, the results of Shiatsu affect not only the body but also its organ systems as understood in traditional Asian forms of health treatment. Likewise in Asian modalities, there is no distinction between the body as a physical structure and different expressions of human consciousness, as interventions to the body, mind, and emotion produce real shifts in people's overall experience as a result of treatment, which has a persistent and lasting effect on life as it is lived.
Because meridians are not physical structures as understood by western thinking, the treatment is applied to both hard structures like bones and joints, as well as soft tissues like fascia, muscle, and the abdomen which is referred to as the Hara, or Dan Tien depending on the cultural references being used for example Japanese or Taoist Healing traditions. There is a calming presence of two hands on the body at all times, circulating the client's energy with the assistance of the practitioner's energy where a flow can be felt moving through the body.
If you are going for a Shiatsu or Acupressure treatment, you can expect a relaxed energetic experience though you might find some sensitivity or tenderness in areas that particularly need attention through this work. Working through the resistance with breathing, the client opens to allow the full sensation, as the practitioner will adjust the pressure of touch to facilitate that energy flow. With continued treatments, these areas will become less sensitive as the Qi energy flows and circulates more completely through the body. People often report a lasting sense of improvement in mobility and a reduction of chronic pain from a series of treatments.
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